Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines

De-oiling and Chemical Cleaning of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines

As a result of the displacement works in BOTAŞ Crude Oil Pipelines, the crude oil in the pipelines of 18 ", 40" and 46" diameter is discharged into the active pipes in the facility by the pig method. The chemical cleaning of the inner walls of the ex-crude pipelines is done. The ex-crude pipelines left ready for hot cutting operations. 

Şanlıurfa Bozova BD HPBH 54,520 km long 18” ex-crude oil pipe line
Şanlıurfa Bozova ITP HPBH 32,220 km uzunluğunda 40” ex-crude oil pipe line
Şanlıurfa Bozova ITP HPBH 32,940 km uzunluğunda 46” ex-crude oil pipe line
G.Antep Nurdağı BD HPBH 11,350 km uzunluğunda 18” ex-crude oil pipe line
G.Antep Nurdağı ITP HPBH 8,100 km uzunluğunda 40” ex-crude oil pipe line
G.Antep Nurdağı ITP HPBH 8,090 km uzunluğunda 46” ex-crude oil pipe line
G.Antep Nurdağı ITP HPBH 16,504 km uzunluğunda 40” Loop  ex-crude oil pipe line

Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines
Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines
Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines
Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines
Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines
Maintenance of Ex-Crude Oil Pipelines